Checked out to {{checkoutIdentifier.value}}
Login to enable update (via check in / check out)


Checked out by {{miniQ.checkedoutTo}}
Loading, please wait....
Model is checked out and local browser copy is being edited. Use the 'Check In' button to update the server when finished editing. Use 'Revert' to discard your changes.
This is a readonly view. It has been checked out by {{miniQ.checkedoutTo}} To edit, log in, then check out the model, edit it, and check it back in.
This app is being executed on the Public site, and so check out has been disabled. Use the Designer site instead.

Only for developer use
{{ | json}}
Only for developer use
{{ | json}}
Dependencies {{dependencyErrors().length}}
This item is......dependent on this one to showOperatorOperand (what is being compared in the dependant item)
{{aud.dep.operator}} {{aud.dep.answerBoolean}} {{aud.dep.answerCoding}}

Set defaults (including the initial values of items)

{{form | json}}
{{selectedQR | json}}
{{qrValidationResult | json}}
{{selectedResource | json}}
{{selectedResourceValidation | json}}

Download CSV file

{{item.vsUrl}} {{item.linkId}}
{{inc.system}} {{inc.concept.length}}
{{inc.system}} {{inc.concept.length}}

{{iss.diagnostics}} {{iss.location[0]}}
{{QValidation | json}}
Create example bundles. Only used by FHIR designer.
{{selectedQ | json}}

ReviewerDateTypeCommentDisposition dateDispositionNote
{{}} {{item.authored | date : 'dd-MMM-yyyy'}} {{item.linkId}} {{item.comment}} {{item.dispositionDate | date : 'dd-MMM-yyyy'}} {{item.disposition.display}} {{item.note}}