Current server time: {{serverTime | date : 'MMM d H:mm' }}

Backup server Url: {{config.backup.targetServer}}
Backup interval: {{config.backup.interval/(60*60*1000)}} hour/s

Last 20 entries     Last 20 entries > 0

{{logItem.time | date : 'MMM d H:mm' }}     ({{now.diff(logItem.time,'hours')}} hrs) {{logItem.item.length}} Fail
The backup is currently in progress. Please wait until it is finished.
Retrieved from main server
{{currentResource | json}}
{{input.logItem | json}}
Preface Doc

Set the sample ehr pre-pop data. Perhaps multiple sets that the user can select from?
Perhaps complete a form, then save the data in a prepop format (hash)
{{prepop | json}}

List of Q to the left, versions of selected Q to the right. Diff & restore options
errors from the backup - ?is this useful
{{}} {{row.source}}
Show QR
{{input.errorQR | json}}

{{ | date : 'MMM d'}}
{{row.Q}} {{row.status}}
{{selectedQR | json}}

QText / Match
{{ | json}}
{{selectedItem | json}}
All choice items
{{ hashVS | json}}
analytics on sample instances - what are commenters entering as sample data?
{{systemConfig | json}}