This is the front page for the FHIR artifacts and applications developed to support the CanShare programme of work. It is not intended as the 'front facing' url for the programme - it is anticipated that there will be links from existing websites (eg the Te Aho web sites to the specific modules which are described below. Rather, this page serves as an index for members of the project team to the different artifacts.


Data standards display Has a list of data standards created to support the Structured Pathology project General access by Clinicians, Implementers and business users There are 3 sets of standard available from this module:
  • Working draft dataset: A dataset that is not considered sufficiently robust since it has not been recently updated by international processes and/or insufficient clinical support available to develop
  • Draft data standard: A data standard that has been developed from adapting a recently updated ICCR/RCPA protocol by subject matter experts/clinical representatives. The draft data standard is considered sufficient but requires wider sector review through feedback and/or use in pathology services over a period of up to 12 months.
  • Data standard: Changes have been applied to the draft data standard from feedback through the release period and the subject matter experts/clinical representatives feel that it is fit for purpose.
Has functions to display each standard in a number of different renderings, including a sample form. Also allows comments to be made by users, which are included as elements within the form.
Comment disposition Displays comments entered by users, and tracks their disposition Standard maintainers (business). Login required. Uses a FHIR QuestionnaireResponse resource to represent the form instance and comments. Dispositions are recorded as Observations
Data standard designer Supports the creation and editing of a Data Standard Standard builders. Login required. Uses a FHIR Questionnaire resource as the underlying representation of the model.
Management module The management module System administrators. Login required (soon). Allows access to the backup logs

Implementation Guides

Data Standard Designer Documents the Data standard designer, developed to support the Structured pathology workstream This guide describes the internal design of the tooling - the use of Questionnaire, profiles and extensions, terminology and suchlike. Implementers really don't need access to this IG unless they are using the Questionnaire to generate a User interface directly. Note that this quide does not contain the Questionnaire resources that define each standard. These can be downloaded through the Data standards display module if needed.
Structured Pathology Documents the implementation of structures requests and reports defined by the Structured Pathology workstream This guide describes how structured pathology requests and reports are generated and shared between actors. The contents of the request and report are defined in the Data standard designer and can be downloaded from the Data standards display module.
ACT NOW Describes the acquisition, storage and API for chemotherapy data as specified by the ACT-NOW standard Uses a hierarchy of CarePlan resources to represent the Regimen / Cycle structure of medication administration with the MedicationAdministration resource representing the actual drug administrations.
